PrognostX Health Logo. Black letters with red and blue X.

We exist to improve the lives of those with Chronic Kidney Disease and lower the cost of CKD to the worldwide healthcare system

Our Expertise

The founding team has spent the past 20 years and over $11MM in grant funding to conduct basic and translational research leading to the discovery of a novel biomarker to detect CKD in a single assessment. During this time, PrognostX Health is proud to have been shaped by the Larta Institute’s NIH Commercialization Acceleration Program, Eva Garland Consulting’s NIH SBIR Acceleration Program, LaunchBlue’s Technology-focused UAccel Commercialization Program, and the Beckman Coulter Foundation’s Concept to Clinical: Commercializing Innovation (C3i) Accelerator Program.

96 well plate with 8 channel pipette dispensing blue liquid

The World's Newest Biomarker for CKD

This non-filtration dependent biomarker test offers physicians a new and complementary perspective to renal health. In a 384 patient study, our novel biomarker identified CKD Stages 3a, 3b, and 4 at a 97% accuracy, with an ROC analysis demonstrating 98% sensitivity, 97% specificity, 94% PPV, and 99% NPV (AUC = 0.982) on a single assessment.


Get One Step Ahead Of Disease